Shareholders' Agreement

We approach every issue creatively to achieve the best results

Launching a business is an exhilarating opportunity but, to build a solid foundation for your new venture, it is vital to have the right legal structures in place, especially when multiple shareholders are involved.

While many business owners choose standard articles to save time and money, these rarely meet the specific needs of a business with more than one shareholder.

Our dedicated team are experts in crafting tailored shareholders’ agreements which clearly define the roles, rights and responsibilities of each shareholder, removing any ambiguity and protecting your business in a way that standard articles simply cannot.

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Bespoke legal solutions tailored to your needs

From the initial drafting right through to the final review of your shareholders' agreement, our team  will be on hand to provide the leadership and oversight needed to ensure strategic alignment with your business goals, and a seamless execution of all legal processes.

Our hands-on approach to shareholders' agreements ensures your interests are prioritised, and each agreement is meticulously tailored to your business’ unique needs, ownership structure and shareholder profile.

This personalised strategy effectively manages current relationships while facilitating smooth transitions and future expansions.

Comprehensive legal support with an approachable, client-centred team

We believe mutual understanding and open communication are at the core of truly effective legal solutions.

Our legal advice encompasses all aspects related to your agreements, from negotiating terms to handling disputes or changes in share ownership, ensuring your business is well-protected and primed for success.

We encourage open lines of communication, providing our clients with the channels to regularly engage with us so we can better tailor our services to meet their specific legal and business needs.

If you already have agreements in place, our services in Business Legal Check-Up can assist you carrying out your regular check-ups to help you identify potential pitfalls and nip them in the bud before they become costly and time-consuming legal issues.

How Barnes Law can help you?

Leveraging their extensive expertise, our market-leading team can devise a shareholders' agreement for you that not only meets today’s requirements but also anticipates tomorrow’s challenges.

To discuss how we can support you, please call +44 (0) 208 092 2700 or email

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