We are Barnes Law Associates Ltd. Our registered office and place of business is at 15 Half Moon Street, London, W1J 7DZ. We are trading under the name of Barnes Law.
We are a law practice established to provide legal advice and related services to our clients. In the course of our business, we collect, use and share information, including personal information, in connection with providing our services and running our business.
This is our main general Privacy Notice that applies across our business.
This notice may be updated from time to time.
Personal information is information that relates to you or allows us to identify you. This includes things like your name, address and telephone number but can also include less obvious things like analysis of your use of our websites.
We process your personal information in our capacity as a controller. This means that we are responsible for ensuring that we comply with relevant data protection laws when processing your personal information.
We have a data protection officer. Her job is to oversee our data protection compliance. You can contact our data protection officer by sending an email to yulia@barnes-law.co.uk or a letter to 7 Stratton Street, Mayfair, London, W1J 8LE.
We only collect personal information about you in connection with providing our services and running our business. We will hold information about you if:
The types of information we process about you may include: