Business Legal Check-up

Business Legal Check-up
We approach every issue creatively to achieve the best results

Business Legal Check-Ups function as an audit of all aspects of your business to ensure that your corporation is fully compliant and strategically positioned for success. SME owners are used to being self-sufficient when it comes to the needs of their business, which is a risky endeavour.

Instead of waiting for a problem to blindside you, regular legal check-ups can help you identify potential pitfalls and nip them in the bud before they become costly and time-consuming legal issues.

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What is a Legal Check-Up?

Too often, business owners enlist the help of legal professionals only after a problem has already arisen.

Legal check-ups cover all aspects of the business that could potentially impact your ongoing operations and profitability, as well as the regulatory requirements for your business and the industry it operates within.

These checks, in particular, confirm whether your business is in line with the industry standards and compliance requirements, reveal whether any regulatory changes affect your business, keep your business prepared for new opportunities, and reduce the risks in the way your business operates.  

At Barnes Law, we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your company. We will review your company structures, contracts, taxation and insurance against the legal framework, ensuring there are no gaps or oversights which could result in legal issues down the line. If your business is going through a large change, it might be an ideal time for a business legal check-up.

More than protecting your business

Good legal standing bolsters the reputation of a business, making it easier to attract investors.  Failure to adhere to legal requirements can have a significant impact.

Legal check-ups are continuous processes that should start as early as possible in your venture’s history. Understanding the full extent of the law and regulatory framework of your industry can also help you spot further opportunities for growth and expansion and keep up with shifting legal obligations as your business priorities change.

Treating business growth as preparation for potential acquisition can significantly enhance your company's value, regardless of whether a sale occurs. Should an acquisition take place, this added value could result in a higher sale price and/or more favourable terms.

While legal concerns may not be at the forefront of your mind when running the day-to-day operations of your business, it is vital to understand how they directly impact the overall health of your company.

How Barnes Law can help you?

At Barnes Law, our passionate team of expert lawyers provides transparent, personalised advice and solutions to help you navigate these complex situations, going above and beyond to reach your desired outcome.

For a consultation on how Barnes Law can assist you, please call us on +44 (0) 208 092 2700 or email or click the link below.