IT Contracts

We approach every issue creatively to achieve the best results

Although many aspects of Information Technology (IT) contracts are identical to those in standard commercial contracts, many elements require lawyers to understand the underlying IT product and the legal issues likely to arise therefrom. These include questions of Intellectual Property ownership, transparent acceptance testing clauses and scope of work.

By leveraging our team’s technical expertise, Barnes Law can offer you tailored advice on the drafting and management of a broad range of IT contracts, ensuring that they protect you in the long run.

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What are IT Contracts?

With the growth of digital technology, the range of contracts related to software or hardware is ever-increasing. The most common IT contracts we work with at Barnes Law include (but are not limited to):

  • Support and Maintenance Services Agreements: contracts for the support and maintenance of software or hardware by an IT company to another company that uses it. Our lawyers routinely help clients draft and/or negotiate contracts that work for them (by ensuring, for instance, clear IT support levels, transparent update schedules, predictable maintenance fees and other flexible arrangements).
  • End User License Agreements (EULAs): contracts through which a company or individual licenses their intellectual property (most commonly software) to others. We ensure that the contract is tailored to your business needs, be it software that you sell online to individuals or a bespoke suite for corporate businesses. We also often deal with similar software-as-a-service contracts software offered through mobile apps or web programmes.
  • Software Development Agreements: contracts through which developers produce and maintain software for specific clients. We leverage our expertise in the market to anticipate and mitigate issues common to software development relationships. We do so, for instance, by laying out clear ownership structures, reusability of code provisions, payment terms and fair remedies for any unexpected issues that may come up.

How Barnes Law can help you?

Our team has specialist experience in IT contracts, accumulated whilst working with IT companies and end-users over the past years. Whether you are an IT business that needs support with selling its products or a business wishing to secure IT support or purchase corporate software, we are ready to use this expertise to help your business. We offer support across all stages of IT contracts, ranging from identifying strategic business objectives and technological constraints to negotiating and drafting contracts, as well as resolving any subsequent disputes.

To see how we can support your business’s IT needs, please call us on +44 (0) 208 092 2700 or email We also offer 30-minute initial consultations free of charge.